Help New Zealand growth-stage companies expand
In March, Kea worked with New Zealand Trade & Enterprise (NZTE) in support of the beta launch of their new Live Deals platform. The platform showcases live investment opportunities in New Zealand to an exclusive network of qualified investor contacts.
NZTE’s Investment team works with ambitious New Zealand companies in growth mode, to help them connect with the right partners and investors. Smart investment helps fill critical capital gaps in our market and connects investors with exciting investment opportunities, which showcase New Zealand’s innovation and integrity to the world. The NZTE team look to create connections that are positive, long lasting, and good for Aotearoa.
Kea invited a number of WCNZers to get exclusive early access and take part in the beta. As a result, a number became qualified Live Deals investors, and within weeks of the invitation going out, one had taken up the opportunity to invest in a company profiled on the platform.
With a successful beta now under their belt, Live Deals is available for any interested wholesale investor to register their interest, become a qualified Live Deals investor and get access to investment-ready deals.
If you’re interested in finding out more, click here to register, and select Kea New Zealand from the ‘How did you hear about Live Deals’ dropdown.
To protect your privacy, all communications about Live Deals will be exclusively between yourself and NZTE.