Prof. Cristin Print
Cristian (Cris) Print has always loved complexity, and there is nothing more complex than the human body. After attending medical school and working for a period as a house surgeon he realised it was research that really interested him and decided to do a PhD in molecular immunology at University of Auckland. That research saw him become one of the early forebears in gene discovery and eventually the sequencing of whole genomes. His work has gained international recognition, respect and accolades in the field of genomics and led to big changes in how we treat genetic diseases like cancer. Most importantly he views science as a team sport and has been involved in multiple projects, boards and groups which have seen him give up his time voluntarily to help advance his field. Cris is passionate about data sovereignty and has worked extensively with iwi to ensure indigenous people are not left behind in the area of genomics but also that their data is treated with respect and is properly protected. Read more